The report is based on the sustainability strategy 2022-30

Sustainability report 2023

At Norsk Dyremat, we support a circular economy. Our fundamental purpose is to keep protein in the food chain. We receive by-products from human food production and refine these nutrient-rich proteins into high-quality dog and cat food.

A strong foundation in circular economy comes with responsibility. That is the reason we are presenting our second climate report. It’s useful to have a clear view of what we do and how the different areas of our operations affect the environment. This helps us identify which of our activities have the highest emissions and implement effective measures to ensure our production is as sustainable as possible.

Jon Kasland signatur
Jon Kasland

Managing Director

2023 Highlights
Nytt bygg

Investment under review

We expect the Sirevåg project to be approved in the first half of 2024. Our aim is for this to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 48% per finished product.

Norsk dyremat - kildesortering

Improved waste sorting

We’ve enhanced our waste sorting routines, now separating different types of plastic. The goal is to send as little as possible to landfill.

BRC A and A+

We’re extremely proud that Sirevåg received an A+ in an unannounced audit, and that Frei maintained its A rating. This demonstrates our dedication to food safety.

Provit kattemat

Cat food

We’ve developed a new range of products for cats, launching in 2024. Over time, we hope this will allow us to use much more fish.

Better use of raw materials

In 2023, we invested in our research department. This will enable us to make use of new and more diverse raw materials.

Focus for 2024
Endelig besluttning og byggestart i Sirevåg

Final decision and construction start in Sirevåg

When building the new factory, we will focus on sustainable solutions, a safe and inclusive working environment, and positive interaction with the local community. The new factory and production line will deliver far more efficient, sustainable, and flexible production.

Enda mindre energi

Even less energy

In 2024, we will implement measures to further reduce energy consumption. This includes using hot air for drying, cutting power consumption in the autoclaves, and installing solar panels on the roof.

Further investment in the research department

This will ensure we fully utilise the new production line.

Insects as a protein source

We’re testing insects in our production. Insects are a nutritious protein source that require fewer resources than traditional livestock farming. While currently expensive, this is an exciting protein source that we want to explore further.

Utnytte flere marine råvarer

Utilising more marine raw materials

We are developing more products that use by-products from the fishing industry.

Erstatning for nitrittsalt

Replacement for nitrite salt

During 2024, nitrite salt will be replaced with better alternatives for preservation and colour.

Sustainability in 2023


Most sustainable pet food producer by 2030.


Reduce emissions and use more of the animal (and other sources of protein).  

We pledge to address climate and environmental concerns through specific targets and measures in how we operate (better utilisation of raw materials, new raw materials and less waste). How we manage general operations (office buildings, transport and purchasing). We will also focus on the use of protein sources in a holistic perspective.  


Generate long-term value creation, have satisfied customers (and dogs) and be an attractive employer.


Our value chain  

Value chain
Value chain

Our production

Norsk dyremat - historie
Norsk dyremat - historie
Norsk dyremat - historie
Production goal 2030
Tonnes of finished products made using by-products
2023 Carbon footprint

Overall, our carbon footprint for 2023 was 9,159.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. New for this year, we’ve included travel and packaging in our scope 3 reporting.

2023 Carbon footprint

Scope 1

Direct operations

Natural gas emissions

We acknowledge a 0.6% increase in energy usage from 2023. However, production has also risen, meaning energy use per finished product has actually slightly decreased. We continue to implement measures to further reduce energy use per finished product. Expected emissions will increase gradually between 2027 and 2030 when the larger factory is fully operational. Although emissions will rise, production will be far more efficient.

From autumn 2024, we will reduce emissions in the production of 800g tins, and we are investigating similar measures for 400g tins, thanks to improved production processes. Long-term plans include switching to biogas by 2027-2030.

Norsk dyremat - scope 1 - 2023

Scope 2


Power consumption

Maintenance and upgrades to the electrical system have shown results. Among other improvements, the factory in Frei has been fitted with a new roof and new windows.
Next year, we will install a new heating cabinet that will further reduce electricity consumption.
Norsk dyremat - scope 2 - 2023

Scope 3

Value chain


Transport represents a significant portion of our emissions. This is true for all pet food producers (and food producers in general), as we need raw materials coming in and finished goods going out. Logistics mean most of our transport needs are covered by long-haul trucking.

We do what we can to ensure the most efficient transport possible, always full loads both in and out, alongside various smaller improvements in loading, unloading, and cleaning. There are exciting developments in electric vehicles, but this technology is still a way off being a viable choice for our transport providers. Electric shipping is a promising option, but it requires more innovation and change in the transport industry.

Together with our parent company, Nortura, we can encourage and put pressure on our transport partners to achieve real emissions cuts, from which we can also benefit.

Norsk dyremat - scope 3 - Transport- 2023

New in scope 3 reporting

Business Travel

With three locations, trade fairs, and international customers, travel is essential. We minimise travel to what is absolutely necessary and ensure each trip is as productive as possible.

Norsk dyremat - scope 3 - reiser - 2023


Packaging accounts for a large part of our emissions. We use significant amounts of steel in our production. Steel is easy to recycle and can be reused indefinitely without losing quality. We follow industry standards closely while also working to reduce packaging use.

Total CO2 emissions

9,159.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent

Despite several measures, emissions have risen slightly, though we have seen a substantial decrease in emissions per finished product. We’re emitting a bit more, but we’ve become a lot more efficient. Some of the measures have been effective, while others, although important for sustainable operations, haven’t had a noticeable effect on CO2 emissions. We continue to maintain optimal production. The new factory and production line will make a big difference once fully operational.


Increase in co2

Most of this increase lies within scope 3, transport, which we have limited direct control over..


Decrease in CO2 per finished product

Looking at total emissions relative to increased production, we’ve managed to reduce emissions per finished product – an achievement we are very proud of!

total emissions 2023

We’re still refining how to gather accurate data for some of the categories in scope 3. Next year, we hope to include waste and the impact of by-products. Calculating emissions related to consumers’ use and waste sorting remains particularly challenging. Together with Nortura, we aim to develop precise standards in the years to come. Even though scope 3 isn’t fully covered, this report reflects a significant portion of our environmental impact and responsibility.

Conversion factor



Natural gas (kWh)
Electricity (kWh)
Transport (km)
Plastic packaging (kg)
Type spesific method*
Tin packaging (kg)
Type spesific method*
Cardboard packaging (kg)
Type spesific method*
*Type specific method is a calculation method based on the average CO2 equivalents for different types of plastic, steel, and cardboard.
Food safety

Healthy animals and strict routines mean that meat from Norwegian farmers is among the safest in the world. Food safety is one of our most important responsibilities.

BRC — international standard for food safety

Norsk Dyremat AS is certified according to the BRCGS global standard. This standard is based on the latest and most up-to-date food safety standards and methods and is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

The BRC standard sets strict requirements for supplier approval. All our suppliers — from transporters to packaging and dry goods — are approved. The approval process covers everything from the origin of purchased goods, the supplier’s system for HSE, quality, food safety, to ethical guidelines.












Product recalls

Good hygiene throughout the value chain is essential for protecting meat from harmful bacteria and foreign objects. Controlling food safety helps to reduce food waste and avoid costly recalls.

2022 og 2023



Innovation and product development

It is crucial for us to make the best possible use of our raw materials. Both availability and quality are important factors. We must also be able to make use of new raw materials.

Provit kattemat

Cat food

We have developed a new cat range launching in 2024. The range includes 3 different cat treats and wet food in 185g portions.

In the future, we hope this will lead to increased use of fish.

Better use of raw materials

In 2023, we invested in our research department. This will allow us to use new and more varied raw materials.

Together with Nortura, we invested in new equipment, which for example enables us to utilise even more of the chicken.

Responsible production

Every year, we purchase goods and services worth approximately NOK 160 million. It is therefore essential that we hold both ourselves and our suppliers accountable when it comes to environmental impact.


tonnes in 2022


tonnes in 2023

Norsk dyremat produksjon 2022



fresh raw materials

We are well on our way to our goal of using 95% fresh raw materials.


Norwegian raw materials

We recognise that our original goal of using 100% Norwegian raw materials is difficult to achieve while maintaining an efficient and predictable production.


Norwegian raw materials in PROVIT

Our own brand, Provit, uses 100% Norwegian raw materials.


defective goods

The percentage of defective goods is low, but we hope to improve this further once the new production line is up and running.



We have a strong focus on waste. After the factory upgrade in Sirevåg, we aim to reduce this to 2%.

NDM svinn 2023


water consumption

Frei has reduced water consumption by 12%, while Sirevåg has increased by 3%. The new wash hall in Sirevåg is expected to significantly reduce water consumption.

Norsk dyremat vannforbruk 2022 og 2023

26.428 kg


A large portion of our production is canned, which is 100% recyclable. Our cans are made from 58% recycled steel.
The cardboard we use is partly recycled and 100% recyclable.

NDM packaging 2023

254 tonnes

of waste

At Frei, results show that good routines lead to significant benefits, and we are proud to have achieved a 96% recycling rate.

In Sirevåg, where production is more extensive, we are implementing even more measures to increase the recycling rate. We are already seeing positive results. By 2024, we aim to increase our recycling rate.

Secure jobs and education

Good working conditions are an important part of our sustainability efforts. For us to transform, we need skilled and motivated employees.



These are excellent numbers, although slightly down from last year (93.3%).


accident with personal injury

In 2023, we unfortunately had an accident at Frei.



We have no apprentices this year, but employees have the opportunity to obtain certifications in industrial food production and industrial mechanics.


full-time and permanent staff

Predictable employment conditions are important for both us and our employees.


women in leadership positions

This figure is based on employees in the management team and factory managers.

Status 2023

The foundation of Norsk Dyremat is built on circular economy principles, but it wasn’t until 2021 that we began working on a sustainability strategy.
The following year, in close cooperation with our parent company Nortura, we developed our first sustainability report.

This year, we have gathered comparable data and a larger dataset. Our sustainability accounting allows us to see the emissions our products generate and to track progress over time. This helps us identify where it’s most effective to take action and evaluate which measures have the greatest impact.

At Norsk Dyremat, we are committed to making the best possible use of our resources and producing quality products in a sustainable way. This benefits both our planet and our pets.